About Nish from Wild Sea Creative: Nish is a seasoned brand strategist and digital marketing specialist…
How to post new blogs on your WordPress website
Posting regularly eg 1 x or 2 x a month over a stretch of time will generate more traffic to your website. Share the new blog post links on your social media and mailing lists and watch the number of views (and hopefully leads) climb!
Remember a Blog post can be called a News post. They are the same thing.
Some WordPress websites may vary in the way the editing function looks. Eg Some may have Front end editor or similar. Generally follow the prompts, it’s easy once you’ve done it a few times.
I have broken this down into 5 basic steps.
1. Add new Blog or News post – Log in, Dashboard, Posts, All posts, then clone a previous blog. Then re-title it and add new content. This is the best way to keep it looking consistent – since all websites have different designs and header sizes. You can simply replace what’s already there.
*Make sure the permalink or slug is updated. It’s the actual link name. Use the blog post title text.
2. Update the feature image – Click Save draft to save changes and not go live. Click Update to save changes. Click Publish to make it live on the website.
3. Type or Copy/Paste in new text over the old text.
*Best to type it in via the website as opposed to Word document as it will copy formatting code with it that makes it hard to edit.
4. Add image. Add media, upload an image and click left align. This will bump the text over to the right and fit around your image nicely.
*Add a link to the image by clicking the pencil icon on the image.
5. Contact link. It’s always good practice to add a Contact link at the bottom as you want readers to be able to reach out easily. Then after it’s saved you can view post to see how it looks.
If you get stuck, please reach out to me.
Please note: I do offer a package deal for $90 + gst per month. Might be something to consider if you are needing extra attention. This included up to 5 text edits and simple tweaks.
Talk to me today to make a plan. Thinking outside the square, be creative, use keywords and utilise your website with blogs. It will generate website visitors – which means potential business, bookings and sales.
*Remember it does take time and won’t happen overnight.