About Nish from Wild Sea Creative: Nish is a seasoned brand strategist and digital marketing specialist…
Ways to use your website
This week I’m going to show you a cool way how to utilise your website using my wonderful client Jo as an example.
Jo runs Mind and Body Therapy. A boutique service that offers custom massage to relieve physical stress or counselling to manage mental health. It’s a brilliant concept!
Jo has a range of e-vouchers for sale. Instead of physically printing them out and physically posting them, we have built an e-voucher system into her my shop page on her website.
These can be easily ordered and paid for online. A personal message added in the checkout page on her website. The receiver will get emailed the digital e-voucher and can book in a massage session slot via email/website.
Keeping track is easy with a custom numbering system that Jo can edit herself using a free online website. I can teach you how to update this yourself.
Have a think about how you can offer a product like this to your customers using your website… Maybe book yourself a massage and chat to Jo direct.
Talk to me today to make a plan. Thinking outside the square and utilising digital technology will save you money and generate business!